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 Real Desert  Experience
2 days/2 nights


The tour starts at 1 pm in winter time and at 2 pm in summer time. You have also the possibility to arrive in the evening and start the tour the next day after your breakfast.
We meet in a parking lot (Rest House) at the beginning of the village. We will wait for you 30 minutes before the start of the tour. We welcome you and introduce your guide upon arrival. We also go through trip schedule and answer any question you might want to ask before heading to the desert. 



  1. Day - Half Day Camel tour + Wild Camping 

  • lunch in the Sand Dune

  • wild camping + preparation of traditional Mansaf

  • bedouin tea + bedouin coffee

What is Mansaf: 

Mansaf is a classic Jordanian Bedouin dish featuring tender pieces of lamb, fluffy rice, and a tangy-jameed-based yogurt sauce.

* you can choose between lamb, beef or chicken meat


 First, we visit the Red Sand Dune where many movies were shot and the view is absolutely breathtaking and we will make there a small break for lunch.  Located nearby is Khazali Canyon which offers some very old Nabatean inscriptions. The last place or our tour is El Qattar Spring. This natural spring flows from a mountain and you can see what the Bedouins have set up to retain the water. There is a Bedouin Graveyard and a lovely view across the valley. 

We will end our camel tour at Chicken Rock, where we will watch a beautiful sunset. We will then move to our overnight accommodation, where a traditional Mansaf dinner will await us under the stars. And since this is a true traditional tour, you can participate in the preparation of dinner with a local Bedouin.

2. Day - Full Day Jeep tour (White Desert) + Wild Camping 

  • breakfast 

  • beautiful places in White Desert + local desert herbs - Bedouin medicine 

  • preparation of traditional Arbood bread (lunch) with local bedouins + traditional bedouin instrument Rababa

  • another desert places + talking about local animals - borders with Saudi Arabia  + you can also try to drive a jeep 

  • wild camping + dinner (Kabsah) 

What is Kabsah:

Kabsah is an Arab mixed rice dish that originates from Yemen. The main ingredients are rice, chicken, vegetables and a mixture of spices.

The next morning after breakfast, we go on a jeep tour to the White Desert, which tourist-free place. There are no camps in the White Desert and it is home to local Bedouins who still live a traditional life. We will visit several beautiful viewpoints and you will also learn what herbs grow in the desert and how the local Bedouins use them against various diseases.

For lunch, we stop at the local Bedouins, where you will prepare the local Bedouin Arbood bread, which cannot be bought in a store anywhere, so it is a purely authentic experience. You will also get to know the local Rababa musical instrument, which you can try playing.

In the afternoon, we will continue to visit other places and look right up to the border with Saudi Arabia. Your guide will tell you something about the local animals and if you're lucky you might even see some of them.

At sunset, we will return to our Wild Camping place, where dinner will await us, this time a traditional dish called Kabsah.

3. Day 

  • breakfast

  • transport back to the village 

* if you are vegetarian, we can offer you different dishes without meat

Price Real Desert Experience Tour

Additional information: 

  • The 5 JD per person entrance fee to Wadi Rum Protected area is NOT included (you must pay an entry fee in the visitors centre which is 6 km from our meeting point, if you have Jordan Pass the fee is included in the pass or free of charge with the Jordanian passport)

  • You can also ride a camel (30 min 10 JD or 1h 15 JD per person) during the tour

  • Traveling with children: Children under 3 are free of charge, children aged 4 to 9 50% off, children aged 10 to 14 25% off

  • For an additional night in the camp add 25 JD, as for an additional night of wild camping add 35 JD 

  • The mentioned prices are for private tours, for shared tours is - 10 JD per person from original price

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